Clue: there isn’t one

At Urban Curiosity, I have decided to adopt a no refund policy. You won’t find a “100% guaranteed” promise or “money back guarantee” on any of Urban Curiosity’s sales pages or checkout pages.

Why? I’m not trying to get as many bums on seats as possible. I’m confident about the transformative benefits of the courses I design and lead as well as the toolkits I sell.

I believe in delivering on what I promise in my sales pages - this is how I choose to build trust with my students. I take a lot of time to ensure my sales page copy is detailed and clear about what you can expect.

In turn, I trust prospective students will read it carefully + check in with their intuition (and their schedule and their bank balance!) about whether taking an Urban Curiosity course now is the right choice.

If you have a question about an Urban Curiosity course that you feel is not answered in the FAQ section on every sales page, then drop me a line here.

If you are having a wobble about whether or not to purchase, you can always decide that now may not be the right time for you to make the time or financial commitment.

If you strongly believe an Urban Curiosity course or toolkit will make a difference to you in this season of work and life but you just don’t have the funds available, then consider applying for a scholarship.

Thank you for respecting this policy.